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Hypercombofinish Logo Hypercombofinish
Hypercombofinish is a blog and webcomic about videogames and the culture surrounding them.

We like fun.
Chris Maguire RevolvingDork ( Chris Maguire )

Chris likes drawing, making music, climbing on things, and aquariums. He also builds web sites for a living and stuff.

Chris lives in Philadelphia with his wife Kellbot and their daughter. He started playing videogames at the age of two and has been studying pixels ever since.
Marie Kare Marie the Bee ( Marie Kare )

Marie Kare is an avid gamer with the good fortune to have actually worked in the games industry, having launched successful titles on consoles, mobile and social networks. Although video games are her chief form of entertainment, she also enjoys writing, podcasting, crafting, making music with her fiancé, and attending movies alone in the middle of the day. [That’s not weird. *You’re* weird.] She lives in San Francisco, California where everything is super awesome all day long.
2025 Chris Maguire