Open Road

by The Heavin' Munkees (Chris Maguire and Mikey Tomkins)

I walked to my car
I opened the door
I sat in the seat
I turned the key
where I go from here, I just don't know
no, no, no I do not know
no, no, lord I do not know

so I got into my car and I drove
I drove far far away
I do not know where I am going to
I just know that I want to drive
I want to go far
I want to go into the horizon
I want to go where no one else has ever been
I want to take the winding roads
I want to take the twisty roads
I want to take the roads that lead every which way
I just want to go, I want to drive, I want to travel
I just know that I want to hit the open road